St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA)
720 East Beach Blvd.
Long Beach, MS 39560
Note: Protocol for RCIA– COVID-19 Policies- can be downloaded at this link RCIA COVID Policy
Becoming Catholic With RCIA
You can begin your RCIA journey at any time by contacting Dave Gauthier at 596-8835 or r[email protected].
What is RCIA?
RCIA is the “Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults”; the process through which unbaptized persons (Catechumens) and baptized Christians (Candidates) can enter the Catholic Church. It is a spiritual journey, a path to the fullness of Truth, who is Jesus Christ.
Who should attend RCIA?
Catechumens (unbaptized persons) and baptized Christians who wish to become Catholic, and/or are interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith.
Baptized Catholics who have not received other Sacraments (Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation), and/or have been away from the Catholic Church for an extended period of time.
Any non-Catholic who wishes to learn more about the Catholic Faith.
How long is the process? What happens in RCIA?
The process involves both group sessions and individual journdy with a faith companion assigned to you by the parish. With your Faith Companion, you will develop a Personal Faith Formation Plan which will guide your steps on this journey.
The first period, the Period of Evangelization and Precatehumenate (Inquiry) lasts eight to ten weeks, culminating in a liturgical rite called Acceptance (for Catechumens), the first step to becoming a Catholic in full communion with the Catholic Church.
After Acceptance is the period of the Catechumenate, a period of continued growth, study, and conversion. This period leads to the Election on the First Sunday of Lent, when “the Church formally ratifies the catechumens’ readiness for the sacraments of initiation”(1). At this time, catechumens state that it is their will to receive the sacraments.
During Lent, catechumens experience the Period of Purification and Enlightenment, the final preparation for the Easter Vigil Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation and entrance into the Catholic Church.
At the Easter Vigil, sacraments are received and Catechumens are formally recognized as Catholics.
The Period of Mystagogy following Easter (during the Easter Season) is the period new Catholics are especially encouraged to participate fully in the Eucharist, but also to delve deeply into the wealth of spiritual writings, devotions, traditions, and culture within our Catholic Church. For all Catholics, this period is a profound opportunity to experience our Faith together, encouraging all to grow to a transforming Union with God.
If I am Catholic, but have not been Confirmed, should I attend RCIA?
Do I need a Sponsor?
Yes, a sponsor is required for both Catechumens and Candidates.
A practicing Catholic in good standing (receiving sacraments) is required as your Sponsor. This person will not only attend classes with you and stand with you as a Sponsor at the Easter Vigil, but will offer support and guidance throughout the process of Initiation.
If I do not have a Sponsor, what do I do?
Your Faith Companion will work with you to identify a sponsor if you do not have one.
Is there any cost associated with RCIA? Do I have to pay for classes?
No.Materials will be provided by our Parish.
If I cannot continue with the RCIA , may I come back next year?
Yes, you may return next year, or at any time. This is a process of discernmnet, and the right time will be decided by you guided by the Holy Spirit.
What do I need to do to prepare for group meetings?
First, pray. Prayer is most important.
Second, show up. We will provide all books and materials.
Third, if you already have specific questions about the Catholic Church, write them down or type them up. Do this every week. Then, give them to us at class.
Fourth, we will give assignments. Participate, read, study, reflect. The more you are actively engaged, the more you will benefit from this important process.
Fifth, give thanks to God for His many blessings.
May I attend Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and/or other Catholic Devotions, seminars, and events during my Initiation process?
Most certainly, yes. We encourage you to attend activities and events that interest you. (Weekly bulletins provide information on all that happens at our Church. Go here for our most recent bulletin.)
While you cannot receive Communion until the Easter Vigil, experiencing Mass weekly, even daily, would be most beneficial. If you have questions about the Mass, let us know.