If you’ve struggled to read the Bible, this podcast is for you. In The Bible in a Year podcast, Fr. Mike Schmitz guides you through THE ENTIRE BIBLE in 365 episodes.
Did you know St. Thomas Parish has purchased a subscription to the FORMED website? This subscription allows St. Thomas Parishioners FREE access to so many wonderful resources. There's sections with movies for family movie nights, e-books, scripture study materials, small group resources and so much more! Click on "I belong to a Parish" after clicking the signup button on the formed.org site, and then search for St. Thomas the Apostle by using our zip code. After entering your email address, you're in! Check it out! It's amazing!
Tickets will be sold for the SRE RAFFLE BASKETS and the CAR RAFFLE after ALL THE MASSES this coming weekend (April 11 & 12). Please support our SRE/Youth Ministry programs here at St. Thomas so that our children/teens will be provided with all the needed resources to deepen their faith in Jesus. HELP to sell the tickets is still needed after the 11:30 am and 6:00 pm Masses this weekend. Please let Ms. Linda Shirk know if you can help: (228) 5477921.
“Around the Word in Five Days: Living the Virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love with the Saints”…for Pre K thru 6th grade. Our VBS week will be from Monday‐Friday, June 1‐5…8:00 am to 12:30 pm. Children who are registered after May 1 will NOT have a T‐shirt, since we need to place our order in early. The BLUE Registration FORMS can be found in the displayed cabinets in the church and in the SRE building. Let Sr. Cecilia know ASAP if you are interested in helping with VBS this summer! [email protected]/868‐3774. Our 1st meeting will be on Wednesday, April 15 at 6:00 pm in the SRE building.