You don’t have to wait until the next census to update your information with the office. If you have gotten a new phone number, PO Box, or email address you can call the office and update your information. You can update via phone call, or email Beverly at [email protected] or Becky at [email protected] OR Come see us and visit in person!
The Bill Seal Memorial Golf Tournament to support Catholic Education Saturday, Aug 28 at the Oaks. Lunch is at 12pm Tee off is at 1 pm All proceeds will assist families with students in the Biloxi Diocese schools. For registration form or more information on sponsorships see FB page: Bill Seal Charity Golf Tournament or call (228)860-7556.
Do you know someone who has never been baptized but feels the pull of the Holy Spirit in his or her life? Do you know someone who is a baptized Christian, but is looking for a complete participation in the Christian life? Do you know a baptized Catholic who has not received the sacraments? The RCIA Team stands ready to welcome them.