Please make sure to heed the designated parking signs. There are places reserved for handicapped. Some of the parish members have serious health issues and need to park close to the church because they are not able to walk long distances. Please respect the parking signs.
Baptismal preparation classes are offered in our parish the last Saturday of each month. The classes are held in room B222 and start at 9:30 am and last until 10:45 am. These classes help prepare parents and godparents to undertake the commitment of helping their child become a part of our Catholic community.
St. Thomas the Apostle is blessed to have a caring group of parishioners who compose our Condolence Committee. The committee has several teams, so the same people are not called upon repetitively. We would be pleased if you would consider joining us in this ministry. Please contact Mike Taylor, 596-1214.
If you are not receiving the Diocese of Biloxi’s Gulf Pine Catholic newspaper, please notify the parish office at 228-863-1610. (Or you may call the newspaper office at 228-702-2127.)