For many years, it has been a tradition in our church that we ask our parish family to bring nonperishable food items on the first weekend of every month.
Our Church offers Eucharistic Adoration every Fri (except on holidays), from 8am-4pm in the Adoration Chapel on the second floor of the parish office complex.
At the 2019 MS Administration and Teachers of the Year Awards on March 29, Dan Pepper was awarded “Long Beach School Teacher of the Year.” He and his family are members of St. Thomas.
Each year we call on you for prayers, support, and encouragement for the Holy Father’s Good Friday Collection. Because of your leadership, we can support the Christian community in the Holy Land and welcome pilgrims who journey there. This year, we will need your help again.
There are once again messages being sent by text posing as Fr. Cuddy to random parishioners. The message requested a $500 Google play gift card for a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer and is in hospital. To report the spam, forward the message to 7726 on your phone (which spells out “SPAM” on most keypads).