THANK YOU to everyone who helped plan, cook, set up, clean up, and serve at our 5th Annual Senior Citizens’ Appreciation Dinner. THANK YOU to Ms. Stella Wolf for coordinating our food and beverages; Ms. Susan Samson for decorating our Community Center; St. Vincent de Paul’s teachers and students for the skit and songs; our SRE parents, teachers, and students, Young Vincentians, and American Heritage Girls for helping to set up/clean up, and serve.
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic is offering a six-week series entitled “Catholics Returning Home” beginning on Mon, Apr 2 at 6:30pm in Room 203B (upstairs in the office administrative complex-enter through the back parking lot). The sessions are for non-practicing Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about returning to the church.
Any parishioner who is willing to put a sign in his/her yard may check one out with the secretary at the church office. The signs will need to be returned to the office when the sessions begin on April 2.
Here at St. Thomas, we have a chapel on the second floor of the Office Complex. On each Friday from 8am-7pm, there is the opportunity for our parish family to spend time in the chapel. We call it “Adoration”. Basically, you come into the Chapel and spend time with Jesus (the Eucharist is exposed in the Monstrance for everyone to see and “adore”).
Mark your calendar for our Parish Picnic on Sun, May 20 in the Gym Pavilion. We will have delicious foods, wonderful entertainment, and fun games for the children. What a wonderful opportunity to come together as a parish for fellowship. This year we will have several St. Thomas Parish ministries represented at the picnic. More details coming soon….
Registration for “Parade Around the Our Father” (theme for this year’s Vacation Bible School), will begin on Sun, Mar 11 to May 11 during SRE in the School of Religious Education. Children in Pre-K4 to 6th gr. are invited to join our week of learning and fun!!! Register early to reserve your spot!!!
Our collection of food for the Long Beach Food Pantry is ongoing. You may bring donations of non-perishable food items and leave your bags in the vestibules of the church. We will deliver them to the Food Pantry. Cash is also needed. Just put it in an envelope in the collection basket marked for the Food Pantry. Thank you for your generosity
Next weekend, you will find in your packet of envelopes an envelope marked “Catholic Education.” It is so important for us to continue to educate our children, youth and adults about the Catholic faith and traditions. In our parish, there are many forms of Catholic education. We support the education of adults through RCIA and Scripture Study and other adult education programs.
in Waveland is offering 1% cash back to organizations; so if you shop there, save your receipts and put them in the box in the east foyer so that the church can take them to Claiborne Hill and get a rebate on your grocery shopping!
Hello! I was recently selected to be a LifeTeen Summer Missionary in Haiti. As a missionary, I will move to Haiti for three months this summer from May 20-Aug 14 and will serve the Catholic youth community there as a part of the LifeTeen Summer Staff.
Just a reminder that if you have changed your email address and/or cell phone numbers, please give us your current address and phone numbers. (If you do not want your cell phone published, please let us know.)
Our Diocesan Vocation Office and St. Joseph's Seminary College is sponsoring a "Come and See Priesthood Discernment Retreat" for all men 16 years and older. It is going to take place at St. Joseph Abbey in Covington, LA on Mar 23-25, 2018.
PREPARING AND DEPARTING IN SILENCE: During Lent, please enter quietly, as people are preparing their hearts and minds for celebration of the Liturgy. We also ask that you depart the church with silence and respect.