The Long Beach Historical Society has 2019 calendars for sale featuring St. Thomas School through the years, that feature Religious Faculty and students. For more information, contact Eddie Ware at 228-697-5998 or [email protected].
Families can take home an actual chalice, display it in a prominent place in their home, and pray for vocations. There are three different prayer programs families can choose to use - or they can pray their own version. This is a GREAT way for your family to spend time together in prayer.
The Mass honoring deceased Irish priests is being hosted by our parish this year on Jan 8th at 6 pm. A reception will follow and we are asking parishioners who would like to contribute a dish to please contact Stella Wolf: e-mail [email protected] or phone 228-760-0591, to see what food items are needed.
FEAST OF THE THREE KINGS Who: Kindergarten through 5th Grade What: Camp—Registrations begin at 8 am on Jan 2nd in the SRE building When: Jan 2nd, 3rd. and 4th, at 8:30 – 12:30 Where: SRE Building Presentation: Epiphany Sunday, Jan 6th at 2 pm in the SRE building, Songs and Skit open to family and friends Daily sessions include crafts, snacks, and activities focusing on the gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
will be at First United Methodist Church, Long Beach, from 11am-1pm, Dec 24th. Deliveries to shut-ins, and transportation available. Church address: 208 Pine St, Long Beach. Call 228-863-9619 for more information.
The December Lunchkins will be this Wednesday, Dec 19th, immediately after the Anointing of the Sick Mass which starts at 11 am. Please bring a potluck dish to share with all that attend.
There has been a rash of phishing emails supposedly from Fr Cuddy O’Connell. Examples are “How are you? I need a favor from you, please email me back as soon as you get this message. Hope to hear from you soon.” Please understand that Fr Cuddy does not email … no exceptions. So you can bet it did not come from him. If in doubt call the Church Office or forward the email to [email protected].
TODAY is the day to return your UNWRAPPED Angel Tree presents to the church. If you did not bring your gift, please take it to the office between 9am & 4:30pm by Tuesday, Dec 18th. All the children will love whatever they receive. Thank you for choosing to give from your hearts.
will be open today in the SRE building helping our SRE students in “Santa’s Workshop”. But, open for everyone to look and see what would be a good gift to give. Please consider purchasing your Christmas gifts from us!!
Women's GIFT will present a silent retreat directed by Fr. Dominic Pham, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, at the William Kelley Retreat Center in Bay St. Louis, MS the weekend of January 18-20, 2019. Openings are limited and the deadline for payment is Friday, January 11, 2019. For more information, contact Donna Brown at 850-602-1438 or by email address: [email protected].
A Bible is a great gift to give on any occasion. The parish office has available a supply of Family Bibles – ideal for Christmas gifts for any family, especially newly married couples. Since we have purchased them in bulk, we can offer these for $35 each. Some on-line stores have these Bibles for $60. Come to the parish office during regular hours; Monday thru Friday, 9am to 4:30pm.
We are so excited to announce that our next Adore night is on Dec 13th at the Nativity BVM Cathedral in downtown Biloxi. Come join us for an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Praise and Worship music, and Reconciliation. Please invite as many people as you can to this event. We had close to 500 people at St. Thomas in Long Beach.... Let's reach even more people through Christ!
Check out the new CD's for Advent in the Lighthouse Media Rack located in the East Foyer. Prepare the Way of the King by Dr. Scott Hahn and the True Meaning of Christmas by the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen. There is a $3 donation for each CD.
There has been a rash of phishing emails imposing to be Fr Cuddy O’Connell. Examples are “How are you? I need a favor from you, please email me back as soon as you get this message. Hope to hear from you soon.”