Please continue to donate your pull-tabs to our KCs and St. Jude’s Childrens’ Hospital. There are baskets by all doors to the Church. Thank you for your help. (Ask your neighbors to join in, too!)
The Good Shepherd Showcase will be on display in the East Foyer of the Church following all Masses on Dec 2nd/3rd. Shop now for some wonderful Christmas gifts.
Please help us bring Christmas JOY to the children again this Christmas by taking an ornament from our “CHRISTMAS ANGEL TREE” located in the EAST FOYER of the church.
Children’s Choir Rehearsals...6:15pm, Wed, music rehearsal room (except last Wed of month) Liturgical Choir Rehearsals for 9am Mass….7:15pm, Wed, (except last Wed of month) “Testify” Preteen Choir Rehearsals….4pm, Most Sundays, music rehearsal room Christmas Midnight Mass Rehearsals…. 7:15pm, Thursdays until Christmas
Rehearsals will begin on Sun, Nov 26 from 12:45 pm to 2 pm in the church. If you have children in Pre-K to 5th grade and would like to participate, please email Sr.Cecilia for more information ([email protected]). This year our Christmas Pageant will be on Sun, Dec 24 at 3:30pm prior to our Children Christmas Mass at 4pm.
The next RCIA inquiry session is Mon, Nov 20, at 7pm (upstairs in the parish office administration complex - enter through the back parking lot). For more information, contact Sue Hoffman at 864-5868 or [email protected]
Next weekend, the diocese has asked us to take up a collection for Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Envelopes for this purpose (or plain envelopes) may be found on the display cases in Church.
Our Pastoral Council meets every other month. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov 6th at 6pm. This meeting will include reports of activities completed as well as upcoming activities for the various committees.