July 30, 2016 at 11:00am--Mass for Fr. Cuddy who will celebrate 30 years of ordination. A buffet lunch will follow in the community center. Please join us in celebration of our Pastor's 30 years of Ordination. Please RSVP, for head count, to [email protected] or call the parish office at 863-1610
West Harrison County rotation Monday, Aug 15, 7:00pm. Here at St. Thomas, room 203B (upstairs in the parish offices) Contact: Michelle Fleming at: [email protected]
TO MARKET, TO MARKET TO BUY RELIGIOUS GOODS!! Just returned from market.... come see our new goodies on Saturday, August 6th and Sunday, August 7th before and after all Masses
Articles you would like published in our weekly bulletin MUST be submitted 10 days before the distribution date. Such as: To be included in the Sept 18th bulletin, they must be emailed to BULLETIN@SAINTTHOMASLB. ORG before Sept 8th.
We are in need of readers, altar servers, and Eucharistic Ministers for Friday mornings’ mass at 6:30am. If interested, please email Linda Linder at [email protected] or call the parish office at 863-1610
The Condolence committee is looking for a new leader. After many years, Linda Mignor would like to step down as the head of that committee. There are several teams already established and doing a great job. We just need a person to perform the coordination of their assignments. Call the parish office at 863-1610.
Here at St. Thomas, we have beautiful facilities. Our Community Center is available for parties, meetings, and other events. It is used often for wedding receptions. For information on rental rates and available dates, please contact Robert Phillips at 281-773-8328 or community. [email protected].
will be open before and after all Masses the weekend of Aug 5th & 6th.. Please consider purchasing your gifts from us. Great place for religious gifts!
In our chapel on the second floor of the Office Complex, we offer the opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration. Please consider spending some quiet time in prayer, reflection, meditation, reading or just “being” in the presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist on Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
The next Pastoral Council meeting is scheduled for Aug 8th. If any member of the congregation wishes to address the council on any matter involving the parish, please send written request including a summary of the presentation by Aug 1st to: Pastoral Council, P O Box 1529, Long Beach, MS 39560.
Seniors and their families (and anyone else that would like to come). Thursday, July 21 @11:30am at the St. Thomas Community Center Sponsored by St. Joseph Hospice
We are looking for someone to be the Head of the Condolence Committee. There are several teams already established. We just need someone to coordinate the effort. If interested, please call Becky in the parish office @ 863-1610.
Waiting to be picked up in the church office are the remaining reserved copies of the First Communion Photos & DVDs. The office also has the remaining reserved copies of the Confirmation photos.