If you are a Veteran and would like to ride in an antique military vehicle for the Long Beach Veteran’s Day Parade on Sunday, Nov 8th, please contact Lenny Krapcha at 547-8555 or George Casey at 363-2621.
The Pastoral Council will meet on November 16th. If any parishioner would like to address the Pastoral Council with a suggestion or concern, please send a written request to Pastoral Council, PO Box 1529, Long Beach, MS 39560.
Following the 5pm Mass, At the church pavilion. All 21 year old and older men are invited for fellowship and games. Bring your own chairs & drinks & dinner.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul’s Friends of the Poor Walk was a great success because of you!! We would like to thank our sponsors, walkers, and those who donated time, talent and treasure for the walk. Special thanks to the Boy Scouts Troop 205!
The Diocese of Biloxi is committed to providing a safe environment to all children entrusted to our care and assisting each child to grow in grace and wisdom.
I would like to introduce our Young Vincentians group of St. Thomas, under the guidance of St. Vincent de Paul. Young Vincentians’ mission statement is to live the gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with great love, respect, justice, and joy.
We are proud to announce that a new Knights of Columbus produced documentary film on Our Lady of Guadalupe begins airing across the country this Sunday on ABC affiliated stations.
The students, staff, and parents of St Vincent de Paul Elementary School would like to thank all participants, sponsors, and donors for their contribution to another successful Boogie on the Beach.
During the month of November and on All Souls Day, November 2, we will remember in the Mass Intentions all of the deceased listed on the All Souls Day envelopes.