Please remember that the following collections are still an important part of our church and The Church and we hope you are able to continue your support:
Catholic Sharing Appeal
SVdP Society (5th Sunday)
Next weekend, June 21 & 22, there will be a special collection to care for our infirm and retired priests. The fund for Infirmed and Elderly Priests is a special way for the people of the diocese to express their concern for the welfare of those who have dedicated their lives in service to our pastoral care. Please be generous with your prayers and gifts.
Please address correspondence, especially check submission, to the Office using the P.O. Box.
P.O. Box 1529, Long Beach, MS, 39560
The Office is minimally staffed for the safety of all concerned and is open to accept your check or Mass Intention.
Please do not hesitate to make contributions even if the date has passed. Your support is appreciated!