This weekend our parish will take up a collection to benefit the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS), USA, a triennial collection approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Please prayerfully consider a contribution to this special collection to support active-duty military men and women and their families. This includes members of our parish.
The AMS Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program (CSP) is a partnership between the AMS and cooperating U.S. dioceses and religious communities. As of spring 2019, the AMS partners with 34 dioceses and has 47 co-sponsored seminarians studying in 20 seminaries; there are an additional 22 men in various stages of processing, including eight who currently serve in the U.S. military
Your contribution supports the Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program (CSP). This is the only program of its kind. It provides priests to serve the Church in both dioceses across the country and as military chaplains. Since 2008, 31 priests have been ordained through the CSP; as many as five more priests will be ordained in 2019, and even more are expected in 2020.