If there is one person that we should each get to know in a deeply personal way, it is Jesus the carpenter from Nazareth, the itinerant preacher, the Son of God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Lamb of God, the new Adam, the Messiah, the Alpha and the Omega, the Chosen One, the Light of the World, the God-Man who wants good things for us more than we want them for ourselves, the healer of our souls.
Are you ready to encounter Jesus in a new and dynamic way? Put away the Easter candy, and join us for a conversation based in Matthew Kelly’s best selling book.
When: Sunday evenings for 6 weeks starting Apr 15th, or Tuesday mornings for six weeks starting April 17th.
Time: Tuesdays at 9:00 (After morning Mass), or Sundays at 7:00 (After 5:30 Mass)
Where: Narthex (South Lobby)
Cost: $3 for a copy of Matthew Kelly’s book, or bring your own.
Information: Call or text Linda Linder at 816-287-4967
Go to our Adult Education on our Parish Web Site to indicate your interest in either the Tuesday or Sunday session. or directly click on: saintthomaslb.org/rediscover-jesus