Anyone who has a Jeep can sign up for Blessing of the Jeeps 2021 on Sat, Apr 17th, beginning at 9:30 am. Registration now until Mar 31st is $10/Jeep, after Mar 31st, it will be $20/Jeep. To Register VENMO to @BOJ-2021. In the notes section, you must include Name, Email, Phone Number, and the number and size of t-shirts. T-shirts must be ordered by April 2nd. There will be an after-party at Coastal Daiquiri. You can find more information on the Blessing of the Jeeps-MS Facebook page. All proceeds will be evenly split between St. Thomas Edge/Life Teen and Batman LBMS Animal Rescue foundation. This is our 1st year having this fundraiser, and we are praying to make it grow each year. We have 46 Jeeps Registered so far! Thank you for supporting our Youth Program!