For Fr. Dominic and I, it is our first Christmas at St. Thomas the Apostle. It truly has been a blessed year. Home away from home. The generosity, kindness, love, prayers, and support is overwhelming. What a wonderful first Christmas, where did all the people come from? Maybe next year, with God's holy help, we can sell tickets at a hundred dollars per person. LOL! To all those who made the celebration of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so special, I want to say thank you. Lauren Hymel, who put together the music for the liturgies: The children's choir, the ten person ensemble, the liturgical seasonal choir, Nellie Abadie, Victoria Raskett Hartfield, Joe Carrubba, and the small ensemble of Jay Marcel, Betty and Molly McCarroll. The lectors, commentators, Eucharistic Ministers, altar servers, ushers and finally the ladies and gentlemen who decorated the church to create a festive environment under the direction of Susan Sampson. The gifts, cards, presents, and prayers that Fr. Pat, Fr. Dominic and I received from Santa's helpers were and are very much appreciated. All given in kindness and love and received with tremendous gratitude and appreciation. Fr. Pat, Fr. Dominic and I are truly blessed to be your humble servant shepherds.
Our prayer for you is: The Lord bless you and keep you!
The Lord let his face shine upon you!
The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!
Fr. Pat Fr. Dominic Fr. Cuddy
The Father The Son The Holy Spirit