The Catholic Church maintains records for each Sacrament celebrated. St. Thomas keeps records of Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Confirmations, Marriages, and Deaths. These records are considered acceptable legal records for proof of age, etc. A Baptismal record will include the names of the parents and sponsors and other pertinent information.
Some of the Parish’s records were lost during Hurricane Camille, and therefore may not be available. Some of the lost information, prior to Hurricane Camille has been reconstructed from information held at the Diocesan offices. Fortunately, the current register books were taken from the Parish office in preparation for Hurricane Katrina.
We realize that many families also lost their records during the storm(s), or perhaps they have been misplaced, not to be found at this time. If you are interested in getting a copy of your record(s), please email a request to
[email protected] or call the Parish office at
863-1610 or including the name, birthdate and parent’s names of the person that received the sacrament, along with your contact information. If we have the information, we will provide you with copies of your records or those of your children. If the Sacrament was celebrated at another Parish, you should request the information from that Parish.
Additionally, if you have documentation (certificates, family Bible entries, pictures, notarized statements of people present) of any Sacraments that took place before Hurricane Camille, we would like copies so our registers can be cross-referenced for possible missing information.
Special thanks to Rene’ McDonald who has spent many hours entering the reconstructed records, as well as subsequent records, into the Parish computer. She has been very dedicated and works tirelessly on our Sacramental records daily.